Meet Our Provision Project Applicants

Thank you for supporting Provision Project and the women we serve! Each of them is a woman fighting breast cancer who has humbly asked for financial help for the basics: medical co-pays, utilities, housing, transportation, food. Provision Project typically is able to fund around 14 women with financial needs every month. There is more need than funding!

Meet a few of our applicants from just one day (names have been changed):

  • Susie – I am seeking financial assistance to pay my water bill, electric and telephone bill. I’m trying to avoid foreclosure on my home and not enough resources to cover all bills.
  • Maggie – I am 25 yrs old, a hair stylist by profession and support myself. I will be out of work for several months after surgery (Nov/Dec). Any financial support in way of rent, utilities, car payment and medical bills would be so appreciated.
  • Dorothy – I’m a single mom of 4, diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, metastatic breast cancer to spine in late 2016, laid off from job in Dec 2017, receiving disability checks, currently in treatment still. We even hardly have enough money for gas and groceries. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  • Jennifer – Need assistance with car payment due to increasing out of pocket medical expenses related to breast cancer treatment. I have spoken to my lien holder, and they are working with me to avoid repossession.

Every woman has a story. And basic needs. And very few places to turn. Each one is fighting for her life. And also fighting creditors. Will you consider providing hope to one of these women through a donation? Thank you!